Monday, December 22, 2008

GOTU KOLA – Soothes Skin Problems

Family: Umbelliferae; other members include carrot, parsley
Genus and spcies: Centella asiatica or Hydrocotyle asiatica
Also known as: Sheep rot, Indian pennywort, marsh penny, water pennywort, hydrocotyle
Parts used: Leaves

This herb gained reputation as a longevity promoter, and a Sinhalese proverb advised – “Two leaves a day keep old age away.”

HEALING with Gotu Kola
Any longevity claims for gotu kola as farfetched as the tale of Li Ching Yu. But modern science has found support for other traditional claims for this ancient herb.
1. Wound Healing. Gotu kola may spur wound healing. It accelerates healing of burns and minimizes scarring.
2. Psoriasis. Supporting its traditional use for skin diseases, it showed that a gotu kola cream can help relieve the painful scaly red welts of psoriasis. Seven psoriasis sufferers used the cream. It healed the welts in five within two months, and only one of the five experienced any recurrence within four months after the treatment ended. Gotu kola cream is not available commercially, but you can use a compress of gotu kola infusion to help treat psoriasis.
3. Leprosy. Gotu kola’s traditional use in treating leprosy (now called Hansen’s disease) was supported by a study published in Britain. The bacteria that cause leprosy have a waxy coating, which protects them against attack by the immune system. Gotu kola contains a chemical (asiaticoside) that dissolves this waxy coating, allowing the immune system to destroy the bacteria.
4. Leg Circulation. Gotu kola also may help promote blood circulation in the lower limbs, those with venous insufficiency.
5. Intriguing Possibility. Poor circulation through the legs causes varicose veins. Gotu kola has not been studied specifically as a treatment of this condition, but it’s possible ability to improve leg circulation might help prevent and treat varicosities.
Gotu kola has a sedative effect on laboratory animals. Sedation has never been reported in humans, but some scientists claim it is possible. In animals, large doses are narcotic, causing stupor and possibly coma. Some scientists warn this reaction is also possible in humans, echoing the Eclectics, who advised against ingesting the herb. It might however, help fight insomnia; just don’t use more than recommended amounts.
Ironically, reports have also appeared claiming gotu kola causes restlessness and insomnia, which is rather odd for a purported “narcotic.” Apparently these cases involved the caffeine-containing herb, kola, which is mislabeled as gotu kola. Gotu kola is not related to true Kola (Cola nitida), the caffeine-containing nut used in cola drinks.

Rx for Gotu Kola
Use an infusion of gotu kola to help improve circulation in the legs. Or give it a try if you have insomnia. For an infusion, use ½ teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Drink up to 2 cups a day. Gotu kola tastes bitter and astringent; adding sugar, honey, and lemon, or mixing it into an herbal beverage blend will improve its flavor.
To help treat wounds or psoriasis topically, try compresses made from gotu kola infusion. If results are disappointing, try a stronger infusion.

Gotu kola should not be given to children under age 2. For internal use by older children and people over 65, start with a low-strength preparation and increase strength if necessary.


The only confirmed side effect in humans is skin rash in sensitive individuals.

The chemical asiaticoside that helps against leprosy also appears to be weakly carcinogenic. A concentrated solution of the isolated chemical was applied to the skin of mice twice a week for 18 months (a long time in mouse terms), and 2.5% developed skin tumors. The risk to humans, if any, from occasional use of weaker, smaller doses of the whole herb remains unclear but appears minimal. Nonetheless, those with a history of cancer might reasonably decide not to use it. When in doubt, consult your physician.

Other Cautions
The FDA considers gotu kola an herb of “undefined safety.” For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing adults who have no history of cancer and are not taking other tranquilizers or sedatives, gotu kola is considered relatively safe in amounts typically recommended.

Gotu kola should only be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with a physician. If gotu kola causes minor discomtorts, such as a rash or headache, use less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience unpleasant effects or if the symptoms for which the herb is being used do not improve significantly in two weeks.

Ref.: Healing Herbs, by Michael Castleman, 1991

Sunday, December 21, 2008

GINSENG - Asia's Ultimate Tonic

Family: Araliaceae; other members include ivy
Genus and species: Panax ginseng (Chinese/Korean/Japanese); Panax quinquefolius (American); Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian) Also known as: Man root, life root, root of immortality, Tartar root, heal-all, ‘seng, ‘sang
Parts used: Roots

Ginseng is as fascinating as it is controversial. The root of an unassuming ivylike groundcover, it has been the subject of more than 1,200 books and scientific papers, yet its effect are still hotly debated.

HEALING with Ginseng
Ginseng owes its healing value to several chemicals called ginsenosides. They are not fully understood, and their effects can be downright confusing. For example, some ginsenosides stimulate the CNS; others depress it. Some raise the blood pressure; others reduce it. These observations need to be clarified with additional research. But researchers have learned a great deal about this herb and its many effects.
1. Resistance to Disease. Some advocates of ginseng call the herb an adaptogen, a technical term for what traditional herbalists call a tonic. Chief among ginseng’s adaptogen
- Counteracts fatigue without caffeine and improves physical stamina.
- Counteracts the damage caused by physical and emotional stress.
- Prevents the depletion of stress-fighting hormones in the adrenal gland.
- Enhances memory.
2. Immune Stimulant. Ginseng appears to stimulate the immune system of both animals and humans. It revs up WBC’s that devour disease-causing microorganisms. Ginseng also spurs production of interferon, the body’s own virus-fighting chemical, and antibodies, which fight bacterial and viral infections.
3. High Cholesterol. Ginseng reduces cholesterol. It also increases good cholesterol (HDLs). As good cholesterol increases, heart attack risk drops.
4. Heart Attack. If the arteries that supply blood to the heart have been narrowed by cholesterol deposits (atherosclerotic plaques) and blood clots form in them, the result is a heart attack. Ginseng has an anti-clotting (anti-platelet) effect which reduces the risk of these clots – and heart attacks.
5. Diabetes. Ginseng protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol, and other toxic substances.
6. Radiation Therapy. Ginseng can minimize cell damage from radiation. Ginseng can provide the best protection against damage to healthy cells, suggesting value during cancer radiation therapy.
7. Cancer. Chinese researchers claim to have extended the lives of stomach cancer sufferers by as many as four years using ginseng. Soviet scientists say the herb shrinks some animal tumors.
8. Loss of Appetite. Asians have always considered ginseng particularly beneficial for the elderly. As people age, the senses of taste and smell deteriorate, which reduces appetite. As a result, some older people suffer undernourishment, which reduces their energy and alertness and increases their risk of illness.
9. Intriguing Possibilities. Several studies have investigated the Chinese belief that ginseng is a mild sex stimulant. None involved humans, and one must be extremely careful about applying animal sex research to people. In animals, instinct controls sex. In humans, more complex social and psychological factors govern it. But, for what it’s worth, Russian studies suggest ginseng treatment increase the sperm quality in bull semen.

Rx for Ginseng
Even if you start with real ginseng, it may not work because it may not be mature. Ginseng roots should not be harvested until they are six years old, but sometimes younger roots are mixed in to stretch the amount, a form of adulteration which may render the herb useless.

Finally, processing can also decrease ginseng quality.

Researchers urge consumers to take “great care in selecting ginseng products,” But how? Unfortunately, the only way to be absolutely certain of ginseng purity and age is to grow it yourself, which is much easier said than done. If you buy ginseng, read labels carefully. Look for products identified by species made with whole, unprocessed, six-year old roots.

Ginseng tastes sweetish and slightly aromatic. To take advantage of ginseng’s many healing benefits, use root powder, teas, capsules, all of which are available at health food stores and through herb outlets. Recommendations range from the equivalent of about ½ to 1 teaspoon per day. Sources say ginseng may be used daily. Others suggest daily use for a month, followed by a two-month layoff.

You can also make a decoction from dried, pulverized root material. Use ½ teaspoon per cup of water. Bring to a boil. Simmer 10 minutes. Drink up to 2 cups a day.

With controversial herbs, critics often blow any side effects out of proportion, prompting outraged proponents to counter that herb is “completely safe.” Ginseng side effects are no cause for alarm, but no drug, herbal or otherwise, should be considered completely safe.

Problems with ginseng are rare, but the medical journals contain a few dozen reports. Ginseng may cause insomnia, breast soreness, allergy symptoms, asthma attacks, increased blood pressure, and disturbances in heart rhythm (cardiac dysrhythmias). People with insomnia, hay fever, and fibrocystic breasts should use it only with caution. Anyone with fever, asthma, emphysema, high blood pressure, or cardiac arrhythmia should not use it.

In addition, ginseng’s anti-clotting action should place it off-limits for those with clotting problems.
In Asia, ginseng is considered an herb for the elderly. It should not be given to children. Asian studies show ginseng causes no birth defects in the offspring of rats, rabbits, and lambs, but pregnant women should err on the side of caution and not use it.

Other Cautions
The FDA includes ginseng in its list of herbs generally regarded as safe. For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing adults who do not have insomnia, hay fever, fibrocystic breasts, fever, asthma, emphysema, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, or clotting problems, ginseng is considered relatively safe in amounts typically recommended.

Ginseng should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. If ginseng causes minor discomforts, such as allergy symptoms or insomnia, use less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience unpleasant effects or if the symptoms for which the herb is being used do not improve significantly in two weeks.

Ref.: Healing Herbs, by Michael Castleman, 1991

Saturday, December 20, 2008

GINKGO BILOBA – What’s Old is New

Family: Ginkogoaceae; there are no other members
Genus and species: Ginkgo biloba
Also known as: Maidenhair tree
Parts used: Leaves

Ginkgo is the oldest surviving tree on earth. As a healing herb, it can help the oldest surviving people. Ginkgo may prevent and help treat many conditions associated with aging: stroke, heart disease, impotence, deafness, blindness, and memory loss.

HEALING with Ginkgo
Medical excitement over ginkgo comes principally from the herb’s ability to interfere with the action of a substance the body produces called platelet activation factor (PAF). It is involved in an enormous number of biological processes: asthma attacks, organ graft rejection, arterial blood flow, and the internal blood clots involved in heart attacks and some strokes. By inhibiting PAF, ginkgo has been shown to have enormous healing potential, particularly in conditions associated with aging.
1. Stroke. As people grow older, blood flow to the brain can decrease. That means less food and oxygen for brain cells. If blood flow becomes blocked, the result is a stroke.
2. Memory and Reaction Time. As blood flow to the brain improves, so do memory and mental functioning.
3. Heart Attack. It also improves blood flow to the heart muscle itself. And it may help prevent heart attacks by reducing the risk of internal blood clots that trigger them.
4. Intermittent Claudication. When cholesterol deposits narrow the arteries in the legs, the result is intermittent claudication – pain, cramping, and weakness, particularly in the calves. Ginkgo may improve blood flow through the legs.
5. Impotence. Ginkgo helps relieve impotence caused by narrowing of the arteries that supply to the penis.
6. Macular Degeneration. This is deterioration of the retina, the nerve-rich area in the eye necessary for sight. It is a leading cause of adult blindness. It can show significant improvement in the vision of people suffering from this disease. 7. Cochlear Deafness. This form of hearing disorder results from decreased blood flow to the nerves involved in hearing. It can show significant recovery, distinct improvement by using ginkgo.
8. Chronic Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus). This is conclusively effective and improvement will be manifested in patients using this herb.
9. Chronic Dizziness (Vertigo). Vertigo will no longer be felt if ginkgo is taken.
10. Asthma. PAF causes the kind of bronchial constriction typical in asthma. Ginkgo interferes with PAF and helps prevent bronchial constriction, lending credence to the traditional Chinese use of ginkgo treating asthma and other respiratory complaints.
11. Intriguing Possibilities. Preliminary reports suggest ginkgo may help prevent the rejection of transplanted organs. It may also be effective against allergies,, high blood pressure, kidney problems and Alzheimer’s disease.

Rx for Ginkgo
Ginkgo is not generally available as a bulk herb, however many herb companies offer commercial preparations. Follow package instructions. Taste is not an issue because most preparations are pills.
Even if you have your own ginkgo tree, you can’t just brew up some tea and expect to take advantage of the herb’s healing benefits. It takes a lot of ginkgo leaves to make medicine. This is one instance in which commercial preparations are preferable.


Platelet activation factor plays a key role in blood clotting. Ginkgo’s PAF-inhibiting action may cause problems for those with clotting disorders.

Some people who take extremely large amounts of the herb have reported irritability, restlessness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Recommended amounts are considered non-toxic.
For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing adults who do not have clotting disorders, ginkgo is considered safe in amounts typically recommended.

Ginkgo should not be given to children under age 2, and except for prevention of asthma, there is no reason to give it to older children.

Ginkgo should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. If ginkgo causes minor discomforts, such as nausea or diarrhea, use less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience unpleasant symptoms or if the symptoms for which the herb is being used do not improve in two weeks.

Ref.: Healing Herbs, by Michael Castleman, 1991

Friday, December 19, 2008

EUCALYPTUS – The Australian Flu Remedy

Family: Myrtaceae; other members include myrtle
Genus and species: eucalyptus globulus
Also known as: Gum tree, blue gum, Australian fever tree Parts used: Leaf oil

HEALING with Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus leaf oil contains chemical (eucalyptol) that gives the herb its pleasant aroma and healing value.
1. Colds and Flu. Eucalyptus loosesn phlegm in the chest, making it easier to cough up. That’s why so many cough lozenges are flavored with it.
2. Wound Treatment. The anti-bacterial action of eucalyptol also makes it an effective treatment for minor cuts and scrapes.
3. Cockroach Repellent. Eucalyptol repels cockroaches.

Rx for Eucalyptus

For an inhalant, boil a handful of leaves or a few drops of essential oil water.
Rub a drop or two of eucalyptus oil into minor cuts and scrapes after they have been thoroughly washed with soap and water.
For an herbal bath, wrap a handful of leaves in a cloth and run bathwater over it.
For a cool, spicy refreshing infusion to treat colds and flu, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried, crushed leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10 minutes. Drink up to 2 cups a day. Is you use essential oil to make an infusion, do not use more than one or two drops.
Do not give eucalyptus to children under age 2. For older children and people over 65, start with low strength preparations and increase strength if necessary.


Used externally, eucalyptus oil is considered non-irritating but sensitive individuals may develop a rash.
When taken internally, eucalyptus oil is highly poisonous. Fatalities have been reported from ingestion of as little as a teaspoon.
The FDA has approved eucalyptus oil for use in food and drugs. Anyone may use eucalyptus preparations externally although infants and children may rebel against the pungent aroma. If you develop a rash, stop using it. For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing adults, eucalyptus is considered relatively safe for cautious internal use in the very small amount typically recommended.
Eucalyptus should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. If eucalyptus causes minor discomforts, such as stomach upset or diarrhea, use less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience unpleasant effects or if the symptoms for which the herb is being used do not improve significantly in two weeks.

Ref.: Healing Herbs, by Michael Castleman, 1991